Spain’s Dr. Gabriel Calzada — the author of a damning study concluding that Spain’s “green jobs” energy program has been a catastrophic economic failure — was mailed a dismantled bomb on Tuesday by solar energy company Thermotechnic.
Says Calzada:
Before opening it, I called [Thermotechnic] to know what was inside … they answered, it was their answer to my energy pieces.
Dr. Calzada contacted a terrorism expert to handle the package. The expert first performed a scan of the package, then opened it in front of a journalist, Dr. Calzada, and a private security expert.
The terrorism consultant said he had seen this before:
This time you receive unconnected pieces. Next time it can explode in your hands.
Dr. Calzada added:
--[The terrorism expert] told me that this was a warning.
For those who think of Spain as a land of bullfighters and beaches at Ibiza, remember they were a fascist dictatorship for decades under Franco, and have their own home-grown terrorists with which to contend. So Spain knows a thing or two about terrorism and tyranny. The security expert consulted was one who fought against the ETA.

Not pictured: Global warming zealot terrorists.
Un colaborador de EXPANSIÓN, amenazado por sus artículos sobre la energía solar
Gabriel Calzada, colaborador habitual de EXPANSIÓN, recibió una bomba simulada, enviada por una empresa fotovoltaica que pretendía así intimidarle por sus artículos críticos sobre la energía solar.
El agente de seguridad privada recomendó no abrirlo tras comprobar que se trataba de dos objetos metálicos difíciles de interpretar. Pidió ayuda a una persona con más experiencia quien tras un breve visionado de la pantalla del escáner creyó saber de qué se trataba y procedió a abrirlo con cuidado ante la atenta mirada del guarda de seguridad, Lorenzo Ramírez (antiguo redactor de Expansión) y el propio Gabriel Calzada. De la caja salieron un filtro de gasoil y una pieza con rosca que podía adaptarse al filtro.
For those who don't read Spanish, it's pretty much what PJ media relates to us.
The title is "A Contributor of Expansion was Threatened for his Articles on Solar Energy". You can go use babelfish for a robot translation that isn't perfect. employee of the company immediately knew about what package she treated and she answered without doubting a second that " it is our answer to articles on energy of Mr. Calzada in Expansión".
(via babelfish)
De la caja salieron un filtro de gasoil y una pieza con rosca que podía adaptarse al filtro.
"In the box was left a diesel filter and a piece with a spiral that could adapt to the filter."
(with help from babelfish)
"Ten cuidado Gabriel, esta vez lo mandan como aviso, la próxima vez te puedes encontrar con un paquete que estalle al abrirlo".
Be careful, Gabriel. This time it came as a warning, the next time it could explode when you open it.
(via ShortTimer & my Langenscheidt English-Spanish dictionary)
Bad things going on in Spain.