Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pilot - The Beginning - or simply 1st Post

Greetings to everyone,

I want to start off by saying, I am going to be blunt, direct, and to the point. I will always be honest as I see it. I will tell you my gut honest feelings.

I intend for this blog to tackle issues facing us today. I hope to supply links to articles and videos to support my views. While allowing readers the opportunity to discuss my findings.

To tell something about myself, I am a believer in the Constitution of the United States as it was written. I believe in the qualities this country was founded on. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of your heart's desire. I have a family, a wife and a beautiful son, whom I love. I don't quite have a college degree though I have completed 3 years of college with a focus on political science. I am also a military veteran having served in the United States Marine Corps for 4 years and saw combat during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The overall purpose of this post is to provide information to people, those of you who feel something is wrong with our country, and not sure what it is, I hope you find it here. If not directly from me, then from my sources. I do not claim to have the ultimate answers or solutions to everything we face as Americans, but I will do my best to provide a solution to a given problem.

Until then, Godspeed, be safe.

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