My fellow United States Citizens,
Today I have decided to change up our usual format due to today be November 2, 2010.
Today the midterm elections occur and this time around everyone regardless of the views you hold need to be heard, from both the left and right of the political spectrum.
Today is the day where each American needs to do his or her one most sacred duty:
That of heading to the polling place and casting your vote for your congressmen and various state post as well. If you have never served your country by being a military veteran and you wish you could have, by casting your vote today you will have done your country, your state, and your local areas a valuable service - that being your participation in the politcal machinery which our professors and other learned men call our democracy.
Are you fed up with out of control spending and fiscal idiocy in Washington D.C?
Go vote!
Are you tired of seeing congressmen and women trying to control your lives trough the implemetation of Obamacare?
Go Vote!
Do you feel as if Congress is slowly eroding our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Go Vote!
Today I have decided to change up our usual format due to today be November 2, 2010.
Today the midterm elections occur and this time around everyone regardless of the views you hold need to be heard, from both the left and right of the political spectrum.
Today is the day where each American needs to do his or her one most sacred duty:
That of heading to the polling place and casting your vote for your congressmen and various state post as well. If you have never served your country by being a military veteran and you wish you could have, by casting your vote today you will have done your country, your state, and your local areas a valuable service - that being your participation in the politcal machinery which our professors and other learned men call our democracy.
Are you fed up with out of control spending and fiscal idiocy in Washington D.C?
Go vote!
Are you tired of seeing congressmen and women trying to control your lives trough the implemetation of Obamacare?
Go Vote!
Do you feel as if Congress is slowly eroding our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Go Vote!
Are you unhappy with the way the current administration in Washington D.C. presents the United States to the rest of the world?
Go Vote!
Keep in mind that even though your one vote may not seem that much in the political grand scheme of things, you couple that vote to your neighbors, your fellow townspeople, others that reside within your county and in your state, one can get a pretty clear picture of what,"WE THE PEOPLE," want.
So my fellow citizens, let your voices be heard today even if you support the current regime in Washington, its your right, and its granted to you by virtue of the United States Constitution, not the federal government.
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